Corals grown at Lazys.

This list contains all the Corals that I grow here at Lazys Coral house. Many WYSIWYG pics/prices can be seen by clicking here.  

The ones with (Unavailable) by the name are not available because they are in grow out.

Branching Monti and Acros

  1. ARC Proximo
  2. Aris Avalanche (unavailable)
  3. AV99 Orange Crush
  4. AV99 Sky Parade
  5. BC Kenberry
  6. BC Cricket Spine
  7. Bubblegum Digi
  8. CB Tangerine Dream
  9. CC Disney Jr.
  10. CC Hellboy
  11. CCH Icarus (not available)
  12. DFS Pink Panther
  13. DFS Joker
  14. Fox Flame
  15. JF Homewrecker
  16. JF Jolt
  17. JF Red TNT Anacropora
  18. JF Solar Flare ( Unavailable)
  19. Lazys Blue Zing
  20. Lazys True Blood
  21. Lazy Day Dreamer ( Unavailable)
  22. Lazys Silverback
  23. Lazys Radioactive tenuis
  24. LRO Lunar Lemonade
  25. Mattv Peter Pan
  26. ORA Green Birdsnest
  27. ORA Bird of Paradise
  28. ORA Hawkins
  29. ORA Pearlberry
  30. ORA Mint Pavona
  31. Orgeon Tort
  32. PC Rainbow
  33. PC Superman
  34. Pengs Purple Granulosa
  35. Pengs Blue Monster
  36. Pengs Heart of the Ocean
  37. Pink Floyd
  38. Princess peach
  39. RRA Ultimate Orange Passion
  40. RRC Shazam
  41. Rainbow Stylo
  42. RR Angry Bird
  43. RR Pink Cadillac
  44. RR Asia OG Wolverine
  45. RR Rainbow Splice - all green
  46. RR the Vinh
  47. Red Dragon
  48. SC Orange Passion
  49. Setosa
  50. SR Cadillac Splice
  51. TCK New Dragon
  52. TCK Birthday Cake
  53. TGC Cherry Bomb
  54. Thermans Sublime
  55. TSA Blastwave
  56. TSA Zombieland
  57. Tyree Pink Lemonade
  58. Tyree Superman Tenuis
  59. Tyree Merlins Staff
  60. Tyree Purple Dragon
  61. Vivid Confetti
  62. Vivid Insanity
  63. Walt Disney
  64. WWC Allstar 
  65. WWC Blueberry
  66. WWC Red Ferrari
  67. WWC Budgie Smuggler ( Unavailable)


  1. KP Green Glitter Bomb Gonipora
  2. LCH Purple Glitter Bomb Gonipora
  3. LCH Blue Squirt Gonipora
  4. LCH Winter Wonderland Gonipora
  5. LCH  Red Light District Gonipora
  6. LCH Hellfire Gonipora
  7. LCH Yellow Brick Road Gonipora
  8. LCH Fireball Gonipora
  9. LCH Dirty Diana Gonipora
  10. LCH Purple Orchid Gonipora
  11. LCH Bronze Bomb Gonipora
  12. LCH Princess Layla Gonipora
  13. LCH Thread Ripper Gonipora
  14. LCH Fairy Floss Gonipora
  15. LCH Cosmic Gonipora
  16. LCH Twinkle Toes Gonipora
  17. LCH Crimson  Gonipora
  18. LCH Maroon 5  Gonipora
  19. LCH Bubble-mint  Gonipora
  20. UC Amazeballs  Gonipora
  21. Aussie Highlighter  Gonipora
  22. ORA Red  Gonipora


    1. Alien Anti-venom
    2. Armageddon
    3. Antimatter
    4. Bob Marley
    5. Bow Tie Blasters
    6. BEBB Blondies
    7. Blue Hornets
    8. Blue Lagoon
    9. Blue Kiss/Miami Vice
    10. Black Bellas
    11. Burning Embers
    12. Candy Apple Reds ( Unavailable)
    13. CC Pink Constellations
    14. Dragon Eye
    15. Emerald on Fire
    16. RR Pink Diamonds
    17. Fruit Loops
    18. Great Owl
    19. Goblins on Fire
    20. God of War
    21. GB Butt Kissers
    22. Gold Maul
    23. Grand-Master Krakatoa 
    24. Ice Armageddon
    25. JF Blood Shots
    26. JF Stargazers
    27. Jungle Juice
    28. Kedds Reds
    29. LA Lakers
    30. Lazy Lashes
    31. Laser Lemons
    32. LCH BAM BAM
    33. LCH Cat Eye Extremes
    34. LCH Chrysanthemums 
    35. LCH Chucky's X
    36. Lord of the Rings
    37. Little Shop of Horrors
    38. Magicians (OG)
    39. Mandarin Orange
    40. Mind Trick
    41. Orange Oxides
    42. SBB Oscar the Grouch
    43. Pikachu
    44. Pink Zippers
    45. Purple Monsters
    46. Rasta's
    47. Rainbow Yoda
    48. Rainbow Infusion/Tyree Orange Rainbow
    49. Rainbow Incinerators
    50. Rainbow Hornets
    51. Red Hornet
    52. RR Pink Diamonds
    53. Scrambled Eggs
    54. SBB Marvin The Martian
    55. Space Chaos
    56. Speckled Kraks
    57. Sunny D's
    58. Superman
    59. Stratocaster
    60. Stratosphere
    61. Strawberry Wine
    62. TSA Warp Drive
    63. Vamps in Drag
    64. White Walker
    65. White Zombies
    66. WWC AOI


    1. WWC Jellybean Chalice
    2. CB Rainbow Crush Chalice
    3. CB Fuego Chalice ( Unavailable)
    4. JKR Confetti Cake Chalice ( Unavailable)
    5. Flamethrower Chalice
    6. Goku Chalice
    7. CC Cloudberries
    8. JF My Miami
    9. Bubble gum monster
    10. Pink Boobies
    11. OG 3g mummy eye ( Unavailable)
    12. Sweet 16 Pink Watermelon


    1. Beach Bum
    2. JF Grafted Monti
    3. JF Aquaman
    4. Beast Monti (Unavailable)
    5. Vino (Unavailable)

    LPS, Favia, cypheatea etc

    1. ARC Holy Grail Torch
    2. Aussie Gold Torch
    3. Bkchem Grinch Torch
    4. Bkchem Rust Torch
    5. TCK Master Torch
    6. Hellfire Torch
    7. Indo Gold Torch
    8. Jeff’s Blue tip Jade Torch
    9. Favia of the Gods
    10. TCK Wolverine Favia
    11. LCH Plum Crazy Favia
    12. Gold Rush Favia
    13. ACI Cultured Charizard Dipsastrea
    14. Blue Raven Blasto
    15. Orange Frogspawn (branching)
    16. Gold Hammer (branching)
    17. WWC Bizzaro
    18. Dragon Soul Favia
    19. Duncans
    20. Lazy WTF Echinata
    21. JF John Deere
    22. CC Space Cake Favia
    23. Jingle-bell cyphestrea
    24. JF Dayglo
    25. JF jack o lantern
    26. Krptonite Trumpets
    27. Meter Shower
    28. Space Invader Pectinia
    29. Sonic the Hedgehog Galaxea
    30. Branching Bubble Coral
    31. Looney Tunes Stylocoeniella
    32. Blood Orange Leptoseris
    33. Wolverine Favia
    34. Darth Maul Porites


    1. WWC OG Bounce ( Unavailable)
    2. Biohazard Bounce
    3. BSA Hulk Bounce
    4. Uranium Bounce
    5. Frankenstein Bounce ( Unavailable)
    6. Lazys Frozen Knockers
    7. Powerball Bounce
    8. Sunkist Bounce
    9. CC Magic Carpet
    10. LCH Firefly Magic Carpet


    1. Tyree Toadstool
    2. Lazy Toxic Toadstool
    3. Weeping Willow Toadstool
    4. Green Nepthea
    5. Firework cloves